Emerging Leaders by Jim JohnsonĀ 

I’m going to start something new this fall. I have formed within my department an “emerging leader” team. I asked each of my four managers to pick 1 person from each of their teams to join me this fall for a mentoring group that will last until Christmas. 

We’re going to start off by studying the book by Jeff Olson called The Slight Edge. We will then end with John Maxwell’s book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. I will be also involving them in a all-day education day with our employee group. They’re going to help me with a presentation that I’ll be making.

This is going to be an intentional, one hour per week, time where I can help develop these individual’s growth and potential. Their managers saw something in them that said if we can continue to develop them, they will be our future leaders in our organization. I’ve had another vice president in our organization asked me to do the same thing with one of her teams.

In any organization, leadership matters. John Maxwell states that leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less. If that’s true (and it is) then we need to be developing leaders.

I would encourage you and your organization to think about doing the same thing. The people who are going to be in my groups are very excited about the opportunity coming up. Your organization will improve and your people will be excited about the kind of growth that they’ll experience. 

For me it’s a short-term investment that will have long-lasting impact. If you start something like this, please let me know so we can encourage each other through our journey.

How People Judge You by Amy Cuddy

People size you up in seconds, but what exactly are they evaluating?

Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy has been studying first impressions alongside fellow psychologists Susan Fiske and Peter Glick for more than 15 years, and has discovered patterns in these interactions.

In her new book, “Presence,” Cuddy says that people quickly answer two questions when they first meet you:

  • Can I trust this person?
  • Can I respect this person?

Psychologists refer to these dimensions aswarmth and competence, respectively, and ideally you want to be perceived as having both.

Read the rest here: http://www.businessinsider.com/harvard-psychologist-amy-cuddy-how-people-judge-you-2016-1

Thoughts of John Maxwell

I am in Orlando right now.  I’m attending the International Maxwell Certification conference with nearly 3,500 others from around the world.  It has been a great day and a half so far.  

Last night, John Maxwell spoke to us about the Maxwell “DNA”.  Here are some of his thoughts:
Value People

  • We should be people of value who value people.  
  • Do we connect with people or do we correct people?
  • Be safe with others: value them, believe in them, unconditionally love them
  • adding value to people gives you influence
  • when you stop loving people, stop leading them – you’ve lost influence

Live Intentionally

  • everything worthwhile is uphill and the only way to go uphill is with intention
  • don’t have uphill hopes with downhill habits
  • if you put in no effort, you’ll never get anywhere
  • you don’t receive anything good unless you’re intentional

Think about this:  did any of the Olympic gold medal winners just by chance win?  No!  They have intentionally, consistently, daily worked hard (uphill) to get to the place where they could win gold.  

To be intentional, you need to be:

  1. Deliberate
  2. Consistent
  3. Willful

We all know that consistency does not get recognized or rewarded in the beginning.  If you trying to lose weight, few will notice when you lose the first couple of pounds.  That’s true!  

Start small, but dream BIG!

Key:  be the author of your life, not the reader of your life.  And don’t let anyone else to write your story.  Be intentional!