The Path to Promotion by Jim Johnson

These have been interesting days.  A lot of us have run to frig too often, gotten reacquainted with our families, freaked out our pets for being home so much, missed talking with our neighbors, etc.

I’ve done all of that.

And I also finally finished a book project that I’ve been working on for a while.  Introducing:  The Path to Promotion!

Book Cover from AmazonI wrote this book initially for my staff who would often ask “How do I get to my next level/promotion?  What do I need to do?”

In early 1998, I was was basically unemployed full-time only working a few part-time jobs here and there to make ends meet.  I did land a job with my current employer.  Once there. I worked the process I spell out in my book.  I went from unemployed to Vice President in 5 years.


Now, I’m not giving you a magic formula.  But I am giving you a tried and tested process – one that I’ve seen played out in other’s lives, too.

I would appreciate it if you would order my book.  If you know someone who feels stuck in their current role or who wants to make a bigger “splash” at work, share this post with them.  There is work involved.  But as I say often, “it works when you work it.”

Don’t wait for someone else to make something happen for you and your career.  Get on your Path to Promotion today!  You can do this!

To order click here.

Thank you for ordering!

Keys to Being Focused by Jim Johnson

I came across these notes I wrote over 2 years ago.  I thought I would share them here.



  • Understand your goals – what is needed to make your company successful?
  • Align your activity around those goals.
  • Make sure your team understands the corporate goals.
  • Filter – if a project, activity, or attitude doesn’t move you, your team, or the company forward, ditch it.  You don’t have time to waste.


The Good Word of the Day

I just received and will start reading soon the book, Dance Until It Rains (multiple authors; Prologue by Vic Johnson).  Bob Proctor wrote the Forword where he shares the influence of Earl Nightingale in his life.  Nightingale once said:  “whether you have a little or a lot of formal education…

If you love to read

dance until it rains

Click here to order the book:



Take Action by Jim Johnson 

Leaders are faced with decisions and calls-to-action all day long:

  • Staffing decisions
  • Vendor decisions
  • Strategic plans
  • Customer resolutions
  • Team members needing feedback

At those critical points where YOUR action is required, ACT.  Don’t rely on good intentions.

  • “I’ll put off that difficult conversation with that team member…”
  • “I’ll call that vendor back next week…”
  • “Everyone knows where we’re going, right?…”
  • “That customer can wait…”
  • “Someone else probably will handle that question…”

Many times, it is the action of the leader that can begin positive momentum within their team/company.  Action can help initiate  great momentum.  Inaction can end up causing you and your team to stall out.  John Maxwell says:

“If you’ve got all the passion, tools, and people you need to fulfill a great vision, yet you can’t seem to get your organization moving and going in the right direction, you’re dead in the water as a leader.  If you can’t get things going (ACTION), you will not succeed.” (from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership)

action always beats intention

So today, when facing a decision, ACT.  Get things moving.  Get your team moving.  ACT.

“Leaders always find a way to make things happen.”  John Maxwell


The Lewis Influence

I am pleased to introduce you to Ron & Rodney Lewis. Ron is a friend that I met just a few months ago.  Since then, Ron has spoken with our company’s leadership team.  We also have lunch from time to time to talk leadership, personal growth, and connections.  

Ron and Rodney have an incredible mission…

Ron and Rodney Lewis are the founders of  The Lewis Influence, an organization designed to give first generation college students the mental approach they need to be successful before, during, and after college.


The Lewis brothers’ mission is to provide first generation college students with the purpose and passion to reach their goals. Their method? Teaching their Gritty approach!



To date, Ron and Rodney have impacted thousands of students with their Gritty approach, which is simply educating students to do whatever it takes to become successful. The twins passionately believe this is the only way to obtain personal greatness!

Watch this YouTube video to hear their passion:

Learn more about their vision, their book, how to contact them by clicking on this link:

Two men making a significant difference in our world. 

Leadership Beyond Our Walls – Aunt Millie’s Bakehouse by Jim Johnson

Yesterday, my leadership team and I had lunch with Tim & Todd Baumann of Aunt Millie’s Bakehouse.  Tim serves as the EVP of Sales and Todd is the Director of Continuous Improvement / Strategic Growth.  I met Tim while standing in a 2 hour line during early voting. We talked about bread, Cubs baseball, and leadership.I later emailed him asking him to meet my leadership team.

I have taken my leaders outside of our office to meet, interact with, and learn from local entrepreneurs and business leaders.  Aunt Millie’s has been in business in our city since 1901 and they do business all over the U.S. as overseas (Saudi Arabia, Dubai, etc.). The family who has been leading this company does so with passion, integrity, and great effectiveness.

We had an outstanding time with great conversations and shared insight.  My leadership team asks wonderful questions and are very curious and eager to learn and grow.

Here are some of our take-a-ways:

  • Creating a culture that lasts for generations takes commitment, consistency, and courage.
  • I want to help create a culture that becomes a legacy at 3Rivers – where people love being here while serving our communities.
  • Leadership matters– whether a company bakes bread or makes loans. 
  • It is worth getting better.  Always.
  • Serving others is a leader’s highest calling. 
  • “Be intentional”. None of us have all of the right answers however if your head and your heart is in the right place than great things are bound to happen.
  • Build trust.

In our community, we have a rich history of successful leaders, entrepreneurs , and community investors.  This exercise is proving to add value to my team, those we meet, and to me personally.  My team becomes ignited through these experiences.  We grow in our leadership journey as we work to always “lift our lids”.